house at pooh corner
I think it's a good idea to keep your eye on what is going on in the world but I declined to watch the RNC last night. I figured, I didn't need the aggravation as Cheney tends to do that to me. I did see Zell Miller (who calls himself a democrat. Get a grip!) call Chris Matthews out for a duel. Chris was trying to make the point that demos and repubs in the House and Senate vote on bills or don't vote on bills many times according to what is attached to them. They all do it and to single out Kerry was a bit unfair. Zell took exception to being questioned on that matter and 'took exception' is a mild observation. Chris deserves everything he gets but Zell is out of control (literally) and makes Cheney look sane... Whatever that means. I have also noticed (as have most of the opposition) that Bin Laden's name is never mentioned in all of this fear-mongering. He is the terrorist but one would think that the biggest danger to our country is Kerry. Fear and loathing has new meaning...
The truth is that these white men in suits with their token women and people of color aren't talking about issues that concern me. In my family and friend circle, we are more concerned about jobs, health care costs, silly stuff like that. My son is currently jobless and looking, my husband is jobless and now none of us have health insurance. My dear friend Leti who moved to Seattle recently has qualifications up the yingyang and she can't find a job. Other friends are unable to retire because of what it takes to just survive nowadays. Instead of inspiring fear of what the Iraqis may do to us...How about what the Bushees have done to us and our country? I am most impressed by the positivism and hope of the DNC rather than the negativism and fears of the RNC. Finally (on this subject) it is too bad that our present system has no room for a third party for I believe in alternatives. Both sides are toeing the party line after all.
This will be my last post for awhile as the road beckons and I have three shows this month and four the next. That about covers every weekend for September and October. November and December will be just as busy. The days between are spent making stuff to restock, cleaning and repacking displays and of course, getting some rest. I will try and report in as to my fortunes or fame.
For your viewing pleasure, here is a pair of origami earrings which I experimented with:
The truth is that these white men in suits with their token women and people of color aren't talking about issues that concern me. In my family and friend circle, we are more concerned about jobs, health care costs, silly stuff like that. My son is currently jobless and looking, my husband is jobless and now none of us have health insurance. My dear friend Leti who moved to Seattle recently has qualifications up the yingyang and she can't find a job. Other friends are unable to retire because of what it takes to just survive nowadays. Instead of inspiring fear of what the Iraqis may do to us...How about what the Bushees have done to us and our country? I am most impressed by the positivism and hope of the DNC rather than the negativism and fears of the RNC. Finally (on this subject) it is too bad that our present system has no room for a third party for I believe in alternatives. Both sides are toeing the party line after all.
This will be my last post for awhile as the road beckons and I have three shows this month and four the next. That about covers every weekend for September and October. November and December will be just as busy. The days between are spent making stuff to restock, cleaning and repacking displays and of course, getting some rest. I will try and report in as to my fortunes or fame.
For your viewing pleasure, here is a pair of origami earrings which I experimented with:

Fold poems and wear them? O what a brilliant idea! If you know any origami folds, and this is a simple one, you could certainly make these yourself. I love the idea of origami poem earrings and if you don't mind, I am going to steal your idea. The cool thing to do would be to make all the folds, then unfold and do the writing so pertinent words or lines would appear. Can't you picture a pair of tiny origami cranes with poetry on them swinging from the ears? Of course, I may owe you a pair of earrings for this idea. ;)
Thanks for checking in judih.
Hi Mark, no, the Frida necklace is still in my possession but I don't expect it to be for long as she is extremely popular in the Phar Lepht environs. This juried show I am doing this weekend may well be the time... Thank you for tuning in. Mellow hello to Carol and I hope your shows go well also.
Hi my always flowing friend, interchangable poems? Hah! Come work in my studio pal, I like your style. Really, I have so many ideas I need to live a long life to create them all. Most come in dreams, some in daydreams and many from friends. Thanks!
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