Dispatch From Phar Lepht

Musings, ramblings, rants, and raves from Phar Lepht, Texas by a tent show gypsy.

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Location: Phar Lepht, Texas, United States

I am a bead and wirework jewelry artist living in the desert southwest trying to make a living with my art. Happily married for 30+ years to Cecil(also an artist) and have two sons, Noah and Nathan (who is Down's Syndrome).

Friday, September 24, 2004

You say it's your birthday...?

The birthday gifts and greetings are starting to roll in (but where is that package from Rio Grande Jewelry supply that is three days late? I need that stuff!).

Here is a list so far:

1. Big ass box of Henry and David jellies and preserves from the folks including Blueberry and Meyer Lemon, Strawberry and Rhubarb, Apricot!, Bing Cherry, and Plum...there's more, but those are my faves. Funny thing, around here, biscuits are King (someone has to be KING! so we named biscuits), and we have to have a little jelly or something with them (gravy is Queen)...I was running low on preserves, box arrived just in time! Hah! BTW, Pillsbury makes a frozen biscuit that is pretty close to homemade.

2. A beautiful, beautiful card from the folks telling me how much they LOVE ME! Whooohooo!

3. A card and book from Leti. Leti, is an old and wonderful friend and she sends me the neatest stuff! The book is very old with a soft, worn leather cover, called "The Beauties of FRIENDSHIP," copywrite 1906. Pages are linen with deckled edges, handbound with a leather thong. Leti is the Thriftshop Queen as opposed to the Bead Queen (me) and finds the most unique and appropriate things...this gift was so amazing!

4. A t-shirt and card from Alan and Shari, my brother and sis-in-law (she and I are closer than bugs in a rug and drive my brother crazy when we get together. Hah!) Anyway the t-shirt says "silly boys" next line in hot pink, "Trucks" next line, "are for girls!" Now, if you are not a southern girl with a Truck, you may not get it. I get it and was very amused!!! (I played with Tonka when a kid, had a little blue pickup with horse trailer) I LOVE my real Truck, a little white Chevy S10 that I haul my tent show around in. It was a Mothers Day gift from my boys and mate. Cool gift from the sibs (Alan, Shari), but Richard and Karen (posse member) didn't get it...o well, I DID! Hah!

5. Cecil gave me a new CD by Jai Uttal and the Pagan Love Orchestra (doncha love that band name?), I heart Jai and this is one with meditative chants on it, "Music for Yoga and Other Joys." He is also taking me OUT to dinner Saturday nite to celebrate with a few close friends, there will be wine and song...a gift that keeps on giving...o yeah, and a couple of tequila shot glasses that are hand engraved (for both of us), one is for a 'writer' and one for a 'artist' (we can mix and match)...long and tall and very cool. Also some new bead mags (trip to the bookstore!)for continuing inspiration and dreaming.

6. I got myself a 'brand new bag' (insert James Brown impression here). I could write reams about bags...I LOVE bags but I get attached to the one I carry and carry it 'till it will carry no more. For all of you that don't know, I call a 'purse' a 'bag'. I am the original 'bag lady', I have bags for show stuff, bags for shopping, bags for storing bags, well enough bags to bag the world. My purse bag is another matter, I use that bag like a backpack, it has to have backpack possibilities, lots of pockets on the outside for an address book, checkbook, show calendar, little notebook for reminders and creative thoughts, camera (cheapo for me to take candid shots with a finger on the lens), ciggies and flame...you get the idea and it has to be not too heavy to haul. Found just the right bag at Ross (bless Ross!). Got black leather, looks like a saddlebag, which suits me great! Enough about bags already!!!!

That's it for now...I will be sure and let you know what else comes in..."aren't cha 'cited?" (as Nate says.) Hah!


Blogger SooZen said...

Thanks Cecil and judih (hemp could save the world, if we would let it!), I love you both, truly.


6:22 AM  

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