Pell mell and Pale Male
Man, these posts have been few and far between but those of you that are familiar with my schedule this time of year should understand...crazy busy!
Cecil and I just returned from the Wheatsville Art Festival in Austin, Texas. Show was a success for us, they looove us in Austin. Not much time to visit with the kiddos as we drove, we set up, we showed, we broke down, we drove...kinda like that. Noah did make some killer griller on Saturday nite which we smote with a vengence after a long day. Saturday was beautiful, Sunday rainy, cold and dreary but we still made some flat gravy. The art there is amazing, the potters had stuff I drooled over but the budget prevailed and besides, I have promised myself...NO MORE STUFF!!, 'especially stuff that catches dust (have lots of that!). I did make a few trades for some soy candles (love them) and wild wired women that an artist makes and sells there (I will bead and sell them as pendants.) Nate had a good time visiting with his brother but was glad to come home. Like the lady said, "there's no place like home".
Next and last show of the year is the open house at Hal Marcus Gallery the weekend before Christmas. That is always a fun event and those last minute shoppers make my day. I came home from Austin all fired up creatively with some ideas for making picture pendants from Cecil's art. I have already made two and working on some charms to go with. Happy with the results so far...will see how well they scan when I am finished and will post them here.
Many of you know that I am now a contributing writer for a new mag in Phar Lepht called Natural Living. My area is the environment and so far they have published both the articles I have sent them. NL is a mag about healthy lifestyle and spirit and I am proud to be a part of this new adventure. I have a few extra copies to send out to family and friends.
Speaking of environment...something on the newswire sure chapped me off. Maybe you have heard about the red-tailed hawk that has nested in Manhattan for the last decade in a high rise across from Central Park. There was a documentary made about his efforts to raise young in the big city and books too. Pale Male (his moniker) has had three mates during this time. They mate for life but both previous mates died, one from poisoning and the other disappeared. Anyway, Pale Male has managed to raise 23 fledgelings over the years from this nest. That is phenomonal and has brought a predator to an area that is rife with pigeons and rats. He and his mate Lola raised three young'uns this last season and that is amazing. Seems some of the rich folk that live in the building objected to the occasional rat or pigeon carcass on the sidewalk below, not to mention the bird droppings. Sheesh! These folks are so far removed from mother nature that they don't realize what an amazing and beautiful thing they have (had) happening there. Since red-tailed hawks are not endangered (except in New York City) there seems to be nothing that can be done about the nest removal and resulting eviction of Pale Male and Lola. He is one of the most studied and famous hawks in natural history. People come from all over the US and other countries to watch him and Lola do what comes naturally. Children have school programs where they come to watch the hawks raise their young. This plucky little hawk has beat all the challenges that mother nature has thrown at him but he can't beat human nature. For more information on Pale Male and Lola visit:
Cecil and I just returned from the Wheatsville Art Festival in Austin, Texas. Show was a success for us, they looove us in Austin. Not much time to visit with the kiddos as we drove, we set up, we showed, we broke down, we drove...kinda like that. Noah did make some killer griller on Saturday nite which we smote with a vengence after a long day. Saturday was beautiful, Sunday rainy, cold and dreary but we still made some flat gravy. The art there is amazing, the potters had stuff I drooled over but the budget prevailed and besides, I have promised myself...NO MORE STUFF!!, 'especially stuff that catches dust (have lots of that!). I did make a few trades for some soy candles (love them) and wild wired women that an artist makes and sells there (I will bead and sell them as pendants.) Nate had a good time visiting with his brother but was glad to come home. Like the lady said, "there's no place like home".
Next and last show of the year is the open house at Hal Marcus Gallery the weekend before Christmas. That is always a fun event and those last minute shoppers make my day. I came home from Austin all fired up creatively with some ideas for making picture pendants from Cecil's art. I have already made two and working on some charms to go with. Happy with the results so far...will see how well they scan when I am finished and will post them here.
Many of you know that I am now a contributing writer for a new mag in Phar Lepht called Natural Living. My area is the environment and so far they have published both the articles I have sent them. NL is a mag about healthy lifestyle and spirit and I am proud to be a part of this new adventure. I have a few extra copies to send out to family and friends.
Speaking of environment...something on the newswire sure chapped me off. Maybe you have heard about the red-tailed hawk that has nested in Manhattan for the last decade in a high rise across from Central Park. There was a documentary made about his efforts to raise young in the big city and books too. Pale Male (his moniker) has had three mates during this time. They mate for life but both previous mates died, one from poisoning and the other disappeared. Anyway, Pale Male has managed to raise 23 fledgelings over the years from this nest. That is phenomonal and has brought a predator to an area that is rife with pigeons and rats. He and his mate Lola raised three young'uns this last season and that is amazing. Seems some of the rich folk that live in the building objected to the occasional rat or pigeon carcass on the sidewalk below, not to mention the bird droppings. Sheesh! These folks are so far removed from mother nature that they don't realize what an amazing and beautiful thing they have (had) happening there. Since red-tailed hawks are not endangered (except in New York City) there seems to be nothing that can be done about the nest removal and resulting eviction of Pale Male and Lola. He is one of the most studied and famous hawks in natural history. People come from all over the US and other countries to watch him and Lola do what comes naturally. Children have school programs where they come to watch the hawks raise their young. This plucky little hawk has beat all the challenges that mother nature has thrown at him but he can't beat human nature. For more information on Pale Male and Lola visit:

hey soozen,
yes, you're right - i'm dying to see your art/jewellry.
and what's this about New Yohkahs not wanting hawks?
these people should secede from the rest of the State.
(spoken like a native born new york state her)
miss you - thanks for the update as to the joys and insanities you've come across in your world.
Best of fun and sales at Hal's.
love to cecil and the boys
judih - p.s. do drop in to the poetry jam at doreen's...just to clean out the poetry meridians...(your jewels will thank you)
hey are a friend I can always count on to be attuned and to respond. Thank you. I hope to entertain some verbosity after the season and will join you in the mind's eye.
hey happy to hear that the creative spark is afire and blazing within and that you are passing it along. We are torchbearers, are we not! (That is a statement, not a question.) Thank you for the response...I am grateful that such a spirit as you is out there. Never give it up...comprende?
hey 'cha loud and clear, twice even, and now I am looking forward to your blog!
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