Let the Shows begin
Well, with a little 'tweaking' I have changed my blog so that anyone can reply to it. Please let me know if this is not working or you have problems with it. I can still delete any reply, if I so want so be warned. Hah!
On the home front, I have a show coming up this next weekend at Ft. Bliss. With all the new troops they are moving in, it could be a fairly good show. Normally, this is just a venue I do because I am more than ready to get on the tent circuit again after a long break. It is never a biggie, or hasn't been but just a good time to meet the gypsies again and turn over some of my 'leavings' from the last year. Lots of low end items and none of my high class stuff are the order for this show.
My weekend was very quiet, if you can call Nates' TV blaring 'quiet'. (That boy is nearly deef...my throat chakra is very well developed. heh.) Anyway, Cecil was in Ruidoso to visit with John and check on the Far Out House, our little getaway in the mountains that my dear folks gifted me with. They had about 6 to 8 inches of snow in the village and a bunch more on Sierra Blanca. I know that a dead pine had fallen in our yard, barely missing the back part of our shack. He was going to take care of that but the snow gave him an out. (The folks cabin next door is for sale again. I can hardly believe what it is on the market for now.) All the snow and rain has been great for the flora and fauna and the fire danger this year should be low. The creek behind the cabin is full and the Rio Riodoso has a good amount of water in it. Cecil says he is having a good time, I'm sure he is as it is always good to get away for a spell.
Watched NASCAR on Sunday...while making some new beaded beads. Unfortunately my boy Dale Jr. had a few problems with tires but I had no problem with the beads. They turned out just great. Now I just need to put them, along with my new copper enameled ones together for the show next month in San Antonio. I have dreams of a new Cowgirl necklace too, with charms and some of the new beads. The studio is a mess right now as I have still not gotten everything organized since the Tucson bead show but that is next on the list. Since we have started going through all of Bernie's stuff (that's my Mother in Law who died and left us a ton of you name it, we found it) the studio is suffering. I would show you pictures, but it is embarrassing. Hah! Instead, I will show you a picture of something I made at the end of last year:

Lookingglasses Necklace, crystal, czech glass, art by Cecil B. Lee
On the home front, I have a show coming up this next weekend at Ft. Bliss. With all the new troops they are moving in, it could be a fairly good show. Normally, this is just a venue I do because I am more than ready to get on the tent circuit again after a long break. It is never a biggie, or hasn't been but just a good time to meet the gypsies again and turn over some of my 'leavings' from the last year. Lots of low end items and none of my high class stuff are the order for this show.
My weekend was very quiet, if you can call Nates' TV blaring 'quiet'. (That boy is nearly deef...my throat chakra is very well developed. heh.) Anyway, Cecil was in Ruidoso to visit with John and check on the Far Out House, our little getaway in the mountains that my dear folks gifted me with. They had about 6 to 8 inches of snow in the village and a bunch more on Sierra Blanca. I know that a dead pine had fallen in our yard, barely missing the back part of our shack. He was going to take care of that but the snow gave him an out. (The folks cabin next door is for sale again. I can hardly believe what it is on the market for now.) All the snow and rain has been great for the flora and fauna and the fire danger this year should be low. The creek behind the cabin is full and the Rio Riodoso has a good amount of water in it. Cecil says he is having a good time, I'm sure he is as it is always good to get away for a spell.
Watched NASCAR on Sunday...while making some new beaded beads. Unfortunately my boy Dale Jr. had a few problems with tires but I had no problem with the beads. They turned out just great. Now I just need to put them, along with my new copper enameled ones together for the show next month in San Antonio. I have dreams of a new Cowgirl necklace too, with charms and some of the new beads. The studio is a mess right now as I have still not gotten everything organized since the Tucson bead show but that is next on the list. Since we have started going through all of Bernie's stuff (that's my Mother in Law who died and left us a ton of you name it, we found it) the studio is suffering. I would show you pictures, but it is embarrassing. Hah! Instead, I will show you a picture of something I made at the end of last year:

Lookingglasses Necklace, crystal, czech glass, art by Cecil B. Lee
How much is the cabin going for?
another comment!
how do you make beads while watching cars race around a track?
must be your 3rd eye.
love the necklace.
know the way high volume background noise. Over here, it always seems to hit peak when some dragon bull (asian cartoon) characters screams.
good show-ing, Soo. Enjoyed the mess in your studio, as well.
Perhaps a series of MessNecklaces?
jen...the asking price right now is $150 thou. (gulp) for a two bedroom, one bath place...but I think it is one of the most beautiful around. They are advertising lots and homes around Ruidoso in LA, New Yawk and San Fran. Hollywood is moving in too with $600,000 condos almost in downtown that some star, whose name escapes me, is fronting.
ju, fortunately, you can't have seen the mess in my studio as it is upstairs and the 'puter and TV are downstairs (where that pic on Studio Eight was taken.) When I watch NASCAR on Sunday's, my bed and lap tray is the studio. Also, I can make beads and watch Nascar with both eyes closed so it must be that third eye! Anyways, the studio is pretty well reorganized now so I can mess it up again. Hah! If I can half-way finish all the ideas I have, I be doing good. heh.
the mess was in my imagination.
i take the current idea of 'mess' add an infinite number of variations and pronounce it 'studio mess', or better: studio ex-mess
x-mess? sounds like a good name for a painting
j - happy 3rd eye-day
what a wonderful necklace (have i seen that one before? if i have, it is great to see it again, and if i haven't, it looks familiar in a wild and soothing way)!
great to be able, finally, to post a comment here. a good place to meetcha!
hey soo! as always, gorgeous work.
Wow! Looks the fun/business is just getting started. Hoping for a string of succesful shows for you this year.
Love the necklace and am truly fascinated how you the beads are made from cecil art. It boggles my brain.
anemone...hummmm, no this is the first time I have posted that picture. I made the necklace in December of last year just for myself. You may be remembering the bracelets I posted here which also featured Cecil's art or you are just peeking outta my pocket and taking it in. Hah!
Thanks Jamelah! I am happy to play a part in your bead addiction.
Hey Anne...come on down and I will show you the process. ;) We will unboggle the brain...heh.
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