Dispatch From Phar Lepht

Musings, ramblings, rants, and raves from Phar Lepht, Texas by a tent show gypsy.

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Location: Phar Lepht, Texas, United States

I am a bead and wirework jewelry artist living in the desert southwest trying to make a living with my art. Happily married for 30+ years to Cecil(also an artist) and have two sons, Noah and Nathan (who is Down's Syndrome).

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Our Real Treasures

Those of you that know me well know that I am an environmentalist...yeah, I have been know to hug an old tree or two. I have supported many environmental causes such as Greenpeace, World Wildlife Federation, Sierra Club, Audubon Society and National Humane Society. I am the environmental writer/contributor to a local rag hence the following rant.

I come by my love of nature naturally (heh). My mother is a nature lover, she talks to the animals, loves trees and flowers. Raccoons would flock to her door, birds would follow her on her walks, abandoned dogs were like her kids. Growing up my brother and I were allowed (unlike many kids we knew) to have all kinds of creatures in the house and yard. We were also required to take care of them and that teaches children great lessons in life. Alan (my bro) and I had horses, gerbils, rats, various reptiles, hamsters, squirrels, chickens, rabbits, dogs, cats, fish, bugs...hey, we ran the gamut. All the time my mother was tolerant of this managerie. We learned about birth, sex, death and most of all, caring and kindness for another creature. (Bless my mother for passing her love of all of the denizens of the planet on to me. I owe her greatly for this. Thanks MOM!) Also, anyone that knows me, knows too that I am a 'horsey girl', always have been, always will be. Please, read on...

Anyway, the reason for this blog is the situation concerning the wild horse and Mr. President's efforts to repeal the long and hard fought for protections of same. First he goes after the old growth forests and now he wants to re-instate the slaughter of the wild horse. Now granted, wild horses are not native species but they have reverted back to the wild style and are a symbol of the fast disappearing wildness of the west. Horses are very sensitive creatures, they have language, customs, family values (yes, they are family type creatures too!) and they have suffered and loved us human types to our advantage. How should we pay them back? This action on the part of the current administration is certainly not the way.

One of the reasons given and justifying these actions other than the fact that McDonalds or Burger King might suffer is that the horses to be culled are too old or stallions or some such nonsense. (And anyway, the ranchers are more in danger of Bush's letting the government drill on their lands, without their say so, for methane than wild horses grazing.) Now this concept of culling is pure D bull, bunk, balooney! Any horse can be gentled IF you can talk horse... This attitude that they are a valuable commodity, hence slaughter them is...is...well, it burns my noodle when I think about it. Cows are in abundance (and I am not saying you shouldn't kill a cow and eat him although we sure are far removed from what we slaughter) so use what is already on the plate. All of the creatures on this planet eat or are eaten but there is no reason to catch wild horses and make dog food out of them or send them to Japan for someone's 'bone appitight' (we into colloquialisms here, heh.)

There is so little left on our planet that is wild and untouched and the way we are going, our grandchilden and grandchildren's children will never know the beauty of the wild spaces if we don't care. Please care and write your legislators about this issue. You can find out more at this site: http://www.wildhorserescue.org/bill.htm

Take the time and take some action.

Thanks and Peace.


Blogger SooZen said...

Thanks Daddio, I am proud of you both too! Now write a letter to your Representative or print out the one off the site I listed, it'll only take a minute of your time... hah!

su nina

6:25 AM  

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