Dispatch From Phar Lepht

Musings, ramblings, rants, and raves from Phar Lepht, Texas by a tent show gypsy.

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Location: Phar Lepht, Texas, United States

I am a bead and wirework jewelry artist living in the desert southwest trying to make a living with my art. Happily married for 30+ years to Cecil(also an artist) and have two sons, Noah and Nathan (who is Down's Syndrome).

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Another day without a dollar

The Olympics are over and I will miss them. The TV was usually on while I worked. I can't say I was always watching it but I did do a lot of listening. Nathan (my 28 years old Downs Syndrome son) was overjoyed that the programming had ended as they pre-empted the soap operas he is addicted to. I have absolutely no interest in soaps but he follows the story lines and dramas with glee. He made sure I knew the Special Olympics (what do you expect he would call them?) were ending on Sunday and made announcements throughout the day to me. As I said, I will miss them for where else can one find countries of the world coming together for peaceful purposes. It is the way we should compete with each other.

The Republicans are starting their convention in NYC and now the TV is tuned to CSPAN. One of things I have noticed is how different it is from the DNCs big party. The Demos convention, which I also followed, was very high tech...From the presentations, the story boards, the stage levels, etc. The Republicans also look so much alike. . We would call them 'squares' back in the days. Suits, ties and bouffant hair seem to be the dress of the day whereas the Demos were a diverse group, not only in the way they dressed but in the skin colors. The best speech of the evening was given by Rudolf Guiliani, he seemed relaxed and smiling but I question the validity and content of his message. The focus of the evening was the Sept. 11 tragedy and an effort to link that to the war in Iraq. Hummm... I don't buy it.

CSPAN also covered the protest march and rallies outside Madison Square Garden and all those flag draped coffins carried by many parents who had lost children in the war were very effective. I was very happy to see that it was a peaceful protest too...

Clothes need to be washed, stuff needs pricing, truck needs packing and lots of last minute chores are waiting. I am in the home stretch before the show this coming weekend.

Here is one of my charm bracelets made with handmade glass and crystal:

Monday, August 30, 2004

Getting Ready

Yesterday was spent mostly in my studio getting ready for the upcoming shows which will start fast and furious beginning with the Labor Day weekend. I am in the process of making what I call the bargain stuff after spending much of the preceding weeks creating some very labor intensive and involved pieces. The bargain stuff pays the bills though for rarely does someone walk into my booth and buy one of my bigger, more intricate pieces that is more expensive. Usually a customer oogles and ahhs over those pieces and then buys a piece of the bargain stuff. I can understand this as I can't afford to buy art either. So today will be spent making the things that make the gravy.

Here are some of my peyote stitch band bracelets. I usually make the body of the band while I am at a show (in the slow times...I need to keep my fingers busy) and then complete the embellishment in the studio. I have just completed five of these.

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Living on the Edge...

Today my son called from Austin to say his company has gone belly up and he is now out of a job. He is not the type to get down about what life has to offer when things turn negative but I can tell he is worried about this turn of events. After all, he and Jenni just bought a new house...There are bills and a mortgage to pay. Unemployment will not cover the costs and Jenni will have to give up her dream for awhile of getting her degree. I am sad and sorry for them and hope and wish Noah will find a job soon that he loved as much as he did the one he lost.

These last few years have been really trying for my little family, what with my dad's illness, the death of my mother-in-law and my husband's siblings fighting over the will. We have no idea what the future holds for us...Whether things will work out and we will have a home or be forced to sell our home of 32 years and start anew. I am sure we will manage somehow but the worry and stresses of the situation are constantly on my mind. Now with my son, it is just another rock on the pile...

Trying to keep positive in the eye of these storms is the biggest challenge I face.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Frida Kahlo Treasure Necklace

Here is one of my last creations...I tried to capture the passion, art and world of Frida.

Everyone is Doing It...

Here it is, my first 'blog' page. Being an old fashioned kinda girl, I usually write in a journal. Said journal is a wonderful leather-bound jewel that can easily be carried in a backpack or purse. It is hard to lug this computer around, especially if you are in the wilderness or going to an arts and crafts show, which I do regularly. So...since so many have utililized this media for journaling, I thought I would give it a try. My oldest son, Noah and his wife, Jenni have been 'blogging' for years and I enjoy taking a peek at their lives since they live so far away from me. It helps me to keep in touch with them and what is going on.

Today was an unusual day for me as I spent no time at all in my studio working on my craft but I did scan a bunch of my jewelry to a file so I feel accomplished.