Springtime in Phar Lepht
One of the anomolies of the Phar Lepht desert is the beautiful Mexican poppies that bloom in the spring if we get enough winter moisture. This year the rains were kind and our persistent drought seems to have taken a hiatus for the poppies are blanketing the northeastern slopes of the Franklin Mountains. Cecil and I took a day to go out and explore this wonderful and breathtaking sight. From the Wilderness Park museum parking lot, you can get up close to the poppies and the view of the mountain with its shawl of orange and yellow. Instead of waxing poetic about the sight...I will just show you:
All photos by Cecil B. Lee

closeup of Mexican poppies

SooZen in poppies

poppies with Franklin range in background

Shady Lady in the Wilderness Park

poppy carpet

poppies on the slopes
All photos by Cecil B. Lee

closeup of Mexican poppies

SooZen in poppies

poppies with Franklin range in background

Shady Lady in the Wilderness Park

poppy carpet

poppies on the slopes
just incredibly beautiful! and so strikingly similar to the scene we had here for a few weeks.
Fields filled with red anemones which we call "calan-ee-yot"
gorgeous. Mexican poppies! sounds like the real thing.
gorgeous and i love your t-shirt! i've got those faces of the moon on my wall.
thanks for taking me along, Soo
what beautiful pictures...what a gorgeous explosion of colours!
all those fiery blossoms against the deserty background and clear blue sky!
and how good to see you inmidst it all.
thanks for posting these, soo!
(and ju - kalaniot... i remember seeing these on psotcrds sent to me.!)
who has this post filled with !s.
Absolutely stunning, SooZ!
Beautiful Cecil photography of such lovely subjects..... both the poppies and you!
Thank you for sharing these!
Cecil might want to check into distributing his photography for use in stock photography collections .... (he's a pro, for sure!)
Unusual weather we're havin, ain't it?
Great pictures Soozen. Very nice.
I like the contrast of vivid orange poppies against the dark blue sky. Especially great is photo #3 with the enormous poppy flower in the distance blooming right out of the Franklin Range--actually, it's just the illusion from the obscured stem. (I think I'm peaking now.) Nice photo-work, Cecil.
Yowza! Gorgeous, really gorgeous. Is this normal or have you had particularly good weather for such a bloom or something?
Zlatko tells me (and I've read it in the media) that, because of the unusual amount of rainfall in southern California this year, the usually scrubby brown hills are all green and glorious and blooming.
Anyway, sweet stuff Soozen.
beautiful pix, just reminding me a lot! i'do like you blog as well but could yu size down your pics to bring out its full potential.
anyway! i'm a fan!
Thanks all for your comments! I am glad you enjoyed our poppies, we sure did.
Oh dear! I hope you are more conscientious than me and see this response. I just finally made it here and WOW! the pictures are gorgeous.
And up here we're still trying to believe that today is the first day of spring... or something like that. It is still snowing, almost on a daily basis around here. That is not typical even for Michigan. The forecast doesn't give us hope that this mess is going to clear out anytime soon, either.
Cecil takes good pictures, no surprise, but I can't help but think that just maybe you have lost weight. Your face just looks thinner to me. No matter, Anyway, YOU LOOK MARVELOUS, DAHLING, ABSOLUTELY MARVELOUS!
Going to enjoy your poppies unil the daffodils start pushing through the ground and blooming up here. For now! Happy Spring to you guys!
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