Dispatch From Phar Lepht

Musings, ramblings, rants, and raves from Phar Lepht, Texas by a tent show gypsy.

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Location: Phar Lepht, Texas, United States

I am a bead and wirework jewelry artist living in the desert southwest trying to make a living with my art. Happily married for 30+ years to Cecil(also an artist) and have two sons, Noah and Nathan (who is Down's Syndrome).

Monday, August 22, 2005

Art, Literature & Rollercoasters

It has been an event full weekend. There is lots of stuff rolling around in my head, news, the blues and beautiful views.

I saw the tail end of a movie recently and I am not sure when it came out or even the name of the flick (I am sure putting this out will solve that.) It was starring Steve Martin and Mary Steenburgen and the whole thing was about family and friends, life and death, chaos and calm, well, you get the idea. Anyway Steves' grandma (who lived with him and Mary) was in the kitchen and the couple were arguing about the fact that Mary was pregnant. Steve had just lost his job and was not too happy about the situation and yet you could tell, he really loved this woman, his wife. All of the sudden the elder grandma started talking about her relationship with her husband (all this time Steve is shaking his head at Grandma) and how life is like a "rollercoaster" and not a "merry-go-round". I will paraphrase here, "You start off pretty slow and then, ZOOM! you pick up speed, you have some fast ups and downs and you never know what is around the next bend." As grandma exits the kitchen, Steve remarks on how crazy she is and Marys character says, "I think your grandma is the wisest woman I know..." I know some wise women and that was pretty wise but you, dear reader are probably wondering where this is going...(I know, I don't use those dots at the end of sentences always correctly but for me they have meaning) The movie had one of those happy endings which I love but 'taint always so in this laboratory, lesson room we call life. Things always work out but not always as one wishes.


Jenni, my DIL is recovering well and quickly from her surgery. Her mother came down to Austin afterwards to help out and Noah took the week off. I am so proud of him for doing this as family should always come first. That boy is not a boy but a fine man even ifn' I do say so myself.

Cactus Mary loved her new earrings that I made for her with Karen's beads and little silver prickly pears. (I even thought they were perfect) Just a little thanks again for being there when I needed it. Let's hope she gets her wish of a new mini-van soon!

Lee Byrd stops by the booth at the FM (Farmers Market) almost every Saturday, usually trailed by her granddaughter. She of Cincos Puntos Press and a terrific writer, has a new book coming out this year about fire. Both her boys were terribly burned as children so she knows about fire! Son Johnny came by the booth too for a wonderful chat (he and my Noah are friends from gradeschool on...and all agree that John is one of the nicest people you could ever know.) She also commented that I write purty good so coming from her, I swole up a bit. Her daughter Susie is now my city council person and yes! we voted for Susie. Good luck with the book Lee. I will need an autographed copy. heh.

Billy (sorry Billy, I have a hard time remembering to call you Bill as I have known you since you were knee-high to a jackrabbit) strolled into my booth. He looks great and was with his mom and Lou. Aunt Judy is doing well, keeping the faith and recovering. Best wishes Judy. Daddy Bill went to see Uncle Mike and he is also doing well...has more kids than a cat but still kicking. Billy likes my art and always admires it when he comes around.

I found out that my article on Paul Reps, the haikuist, which was accepted and printed on the old Litkicks literary site (sigh...gone and revamped...I am not too crazy about tearing down old buildings and places that I love to build something new and "efficent"...sorry Jam and Caryn, but you already know how I feel.) I am now used as an "authority" on Reps (one of my heros) on a Hungarian Buddhist site. Unfortunately, they only credited "Buddhabitch" (my handle on Litkicks...ask Cecil, he gave me that nickname) and not my given name or SooZen Lee, a name I more commonly create or write under. I sent them an email asking them to correct it but no reply. Besides my Hungarian is a little rusty. Ah well, at least I can say I am published somewhere besides in the Litkicks Poetry anthology and the original article.

Karen (the beadmaker and leader of the band) has returned from her wanderings this summer...Canada, Ore-gone, Santa Fe and a Taos jaunt. Just follow her lead and you will have a great time! The matriarch of the Posse, she, as you may know, is known as "the Kid" because you better have your go-go boots on when she takes off. Welcome back Karen and thanks always for the sage advice!

Janice is finally getting back into the swing after the death of her mom. She is our "Princess" (pretty spoiled, rotten as we call it, but she is as pretty as a chestnut filly and full of life) and she claims I am the boss of her. I did teach her to bead and now she is the fastest gun in the west. Cute stuff too! Bought her some white sage to bless her and her families spaces. Heard Leon play the blues (he is a bass player, artist, school teacher and best of all, married to Jan) at the Civic Center Saturday nite...I had to sit outside and babysit Nathan's cup...you can't take it in and I would be in "do-do" with Nate if I threw it out. The boys went in for a close encounter and Jan brought me a Tecate, lime and salt and I enjoyed the music (the doors were thrown open) and the cloudview from my seat at the fountain.

Got to meet Silas (27), Patricia's boy and had a very nice visit with him at the FM. He's got all his frontal lobes clicking and talking about finally getting hitched (they've been together 10 years.) and having children. Now I have met all of their brood including her beautiful daughter and grandson Carter. Silas lives with his girl in Austin and looooves it there. Patty looks great and recovered...that's another story. I have some project in mind for hubby Fred for my display. He is a master carpenter...you should see Patty's house!

John and Cathy (my boyfriend, Cecil's girlfriend) just celebrated their 37th wedding anniversary! Geeze, how do you stay married that long? Hah! I only have 34 under my belt. Old and dear friends (we have known each other longer than dirt knows earth), John asked me to create something special for Cathy for "the day". I must say I was inspired and musta channeled Cathy because the results were spectacular. Richard (Karen's "old man"...her words) is an amazing bead artist master and when I saw this set in their studio, my jaw dropped and I had to have them. I just knew they (the beads) were for something special. Ona (another of the clan and Johns' sister) and her "old man" Bob (my words, sorry Bobona) came out to the FM to say Howdy. I love this family dearly! Kids and grandkids are all good and plenty. Cathy is dealing with her aging Mom but I know she will deal well.

Sue, sis Cheryl and mom Julia are loving Nashville. As you may remember, Sue is the mother of Nathan's best bud, Jake (also Down's.) Got a nice letter from Sue and from Julia and both are very happy in the trees and greenery. They have a big spread now and Jake has a riding lawnmower (gasp!) and with a little instruction, he is mowing the big lot and bit crooked but what the heck. Good on you Jakey boy! We'll make a farmer outta him yet. He misses Nathan and the feeling is mutual but we are on the rollercoaster and moving... Haven't seen hide nor hair of Julie (Sue's daughter who stayed in Phar Lepht but that means she is fine and dandy.)

Robyn and John just returned from Californica after attending his brothers' wedding. Had a great phone chat with Robbie last night on the deck. They are both retired and unretired. John is still driving a cab in Ruidoso (what a place to retire!), he was in the educational field forever and Robyn is pushing bags at a leathergoods store (she pushed me to start Candlelighters and was the driving force for that organization for children with cancer. They lost daughter Jenni when she was eight to a brain tumor.) She pushes my 'purse jewelry' too, and for that, I am grateful. Besides, I get a discount and as a result two new bags grace my shoulder (no, one at a time!) The girls (or 'squirrels' as Robbie has monikered them) Amber and Ananda are going great guns, volleyball, school stuff and boyfriends. You have to admire these two folks for what they do...I know I do.

Bob and Sharon are still trying to move to Meheeco (Mexico) but things are still up in the air. Their son Greg is also an old childhood friend of Noah's but that is because we met them first. I miss them already, if they move, it will only be a tryout until they are sure (are we ever sure?) it will work for them. Barbara (Bob's sis) and Alex have gotten a new computer. When I was down there in San Antonio, it was bucking and acting up so they went that route. I wish you luck...this contraption throws me too, occasionally. Sis Beverly has a new grandbaby, Issac. His daddy Jason is also a childhood friend of Noah's but that is because we were all 'with child' together and raised 'em up together. Congrats to Jason and Karen!

Sadly, a few of my friends are dealing with "issues" with their children, some quite heavy and distressing, and I am not naming names or situations but I wish you peace and a swift resolution. Nathan (always something with that boy!) has also got some health issues that may or may not be serious that I will have to deal with but more about that as it evolves.

My friend Danelle's new husband has an advanced stage of cancer. Karisha (her daughter) came by the booth and we shed some tears. Danelle has already lost one mate and now this...her ride is without a seat belt. I am thinking of you Danelle and wishing you peace.

Claudia and mom Verda keep me laughing...I love those two artists. Claud (her words) has a cynical but joyous sense of humor and Verda keeps the goats herded, if you know what I mean. I always get a hug from Verda and Claud just when needed.
Thanks kids!

Finally called my Mom as I haven't heard from her in a long time. Hoping I hadn't offended her (I did forget her birthday one year and I will never forget that incident) but no, she had gotten my long "chatty" letter and was playing Gin Rummy with bro Alan and SIL Sher. You don't really want to play games with my Mom, she will whip your ass. Anyway, playing Scrabble is out of the question and she has the luck and logic of a fox in any other board or mind game you want to play. Dad is doing well and still "on this side of the dirt" (his words) although I miss his emails and tibits of wisdom and where is his blog? Life is busy when you are retired.

My Pop (my father by blood) is having a time with the arthritis but I enjoy talking to him through email. He seems to be a happy man and that is all well and good. He has some grandchildren through marriage and they give him heck about Nascar and Tony Stewart as he too, is a Little E fan. Hang in there Pop...don't let them pass! Haven't heard from his sister and one of my favorite aunties, Helen, in forever. Patty, my cousin writes occasionally...Hi Patty...! (note to Patty: just know Bush will be out soon as he has plenty of rope and a lots of trees.) My cousins were "horsey-girls" too and we had many wonderful times together as children.

Les is still building fireplaces of stone in NC...he likes to get my goat and occasionally, let's say rarely, he manages. Les is a gnome, working with stone and rocks to build wonderful pieces of art. (we flew him to Phar Lepht to lay the tile in our kitchen and sunporch) We kinda raised up this boy and although he claims he is a Republican, he is just a smarty pants, very smart this boy, and most of his arguments are based on economics but we'll see how things work out on this ride. (Sorry Les...I think of you as another of 'my' boys. We have ongoing email discussions. I won't call them arguments...Hah!)

Phil is well and still living in San Fran. He is a navy buddy of Cecil's and just as eccentric as Cecil is. I love talking to him as he is a fount of info. Howdy Phil, say hey, if you ever hear from him, to bro Jeff.

Dear judih is back in Israel with her family after a jaunt to "Canaday" and the States. I so wish that we could meet in person and I am grateful to the universe that I met her on this 'puter. Hi jud, welcome home.

Anemone, my black forest of Germany friend, is quiet but I have a great, good surprise for her...ssssshhhhh! Besides, she is always peeking out of my pocket.

Alan (same spelling as my brother) is holding court in England. Got your postcard buddy. I have intentions of sending you one soon but you know about intentions. Alan wrote a book on Jethro Tull (the great band, Ian Anderson on flute) which talks history, he is a history buff and a very interesting guy besides being a great poet. I will never forget his poem about a squirrel...blew me away and I knew I would like to know this fella. Hi bud!

Charlene may come to Phar Lepht to visit on her way back or through her vacation to Meheeco. We have a room for you dear.

Ted is wrestling with lawyers and I see probate in his future...(yikes! I know all about that number.)

All my friends on Studio Eight are still jamming...howdy and smacks to you all. One of the things I wish for is time to do more writing and poetry jamming with the amazing writers I have met and communicate with there. Refugees and a rag tag group from the old Litkicks along with some new and talented writers, Doreen and Clay (Lightning Rod) have created for us a space I call 'home' and I bless them for it. Doreen is a whizz and LRod is a wizard.

Jamelah and Caryn are still 'raising cain' and frequently make my day and sometimes make me gasp at their adventures. Jam's really getting into the beading and has a great affinity for wire, her new stuff is killer. Hi kiddies! Jam, tell yo momma Anniefay to get blogging! I miss that woman!

So now, it is time for me to say that I like all these folks, family and friends. They are all different, different beliefs, different lives, different intent but they make my life full and at least I am not on this coaster alone.


By the way, here is a fact I just heard, most people under forty don't buy art. They don't even look at art. Of course, my people are the exceptions. My DIL Jenni knows who Miro and Chihuly are, she is an art major but that is really an exception now days. Every one of the people I just talked to and about either make art or buy art or live a creative life. It is what makes you smart. Cutting art from our schools, reducing funding for our public TV and radio stations...all of those so called cost cutting things that our politicians are doing is stifling our ability to think rationally. A huge percentage of college entrance-aged children are not literate enough to fill out an application, we are falling behind in the sciences and math fields in comparison to the rest of the educated world and I think I know why. We don't support, emphasize and celebrate the arts enough and hence we squash our kiddies minds, their abilities to read, and think on their feet. Thank god my Mom and Dad were artistic and loved art! It is truly sad that we spend a billion dollars a week in a tribal country that has no clue as to our form of democracy and our young people in the military are paying the high cost as well as the population of that country. A billion dollars... that is ONE THOUSAND MILLION DOLLARS!!! a week and yet we are cutting the arts as quickly and surgically as possible. Create your life, ride that rollercoaster to the end and make it an art and please, support the arts for it is our best hope for sanity.

Note: Google (that is like coke or kleenex, a slang for the whole kit and kaboodle of search engines) Cactus Mary, Studio Eight, Buddhabitch, Mtmynd, Cincos Puntos Press, Outta My Gourd, Litkicks, Paul Reps, Action Poetry (the book), sage smudging, or just click on the names of the folks that comment on this blog to know more...

Another Note: Cecil and I argued (discussed) about my apostrophes in this long-ass blog. I sure do use a few too many but wrongly, it seems. He wins. I hope I corrected most of them.

If you have gotten this far, bless you and thank you for your patience in blogging through. I may be quiet for awhile again as the ride is getting intense at this stage and a lot of shows are just around the bend. This breather is brief and off we go! Salud! and Vaya con Dios...and as Roy Rogers and Dale Evans (more of my heros) sang, "Happy Trails to you until we meet again..."

Friday, August 19, 2005

September Dreams

September is approaching FAST! I love September, it is my favorite month of the year. Not only was I born in September but the month is when the air cools in the desert, the leaves turn in my beloved mountains, the pomegranates (Grand Nadas, as Cec calls them) and mountain apples ripen...man o man, there are many reasons why I love September and these are just a few. Every morning the mtmynded one and I sit on our back deck with his fresh cuppa joe (put a little cinnamon in the grounds!) and watch the sun rise. This time of year, the clouds create one spectacular view and like my momma says, a view is worth more than money (we are suckers for views.) We don't get the sunset (and those are spectacular in the desert too) as the Franklin Mountains hide the show but the sunrise makes up for it and besides the Franklins are cool, sitting there granite like and the moon-set on them makes you weak in the knees.

As a zennist (that is not a 'pure dee' buddhist but more of a lifestyle) I struggle with my 'desires'. As a wise guru once said, "Enjoy life! Live a Zorba the Buddha exsistence, not denying materiality but not ruled by it either." Well, I have cowgirl dreams of owning some pretty material things... If I had the money, I would buy me a Chevy SSR pick-'em-up, in red or maybe yellow. Those little beauties (if you haven't seen one, they are the pace 'cars' for the NASCAR races and if that means nottin' to ya, check this out...http://www.chevrolet.com/ssr/) are small block super 8's with a corvette type engine and the interior looks like a jet but yet the outer truck looks very retro, like something from the late 40's. VA VA VAROOOM! Of course, to own and maintain a truck like this...and I could never get my tent in it anyway, you must be rollin' in the big bucks. One would have to win the lottery or be an extremely successful artist...but I can dream can't I? Besides, one never knows what the universe will provide. Just last week, at the Farmer's Mkt. a gal came into my booth, bought some stuff and just happened to mention that she had bought a new truck, an SSR! (Durn, they need a sexier name than that!) She had to special order it. Well, I almost laid an egg...my heart was drumming like an old Rolling Stone, and I had the ovaries to ask if I could go see it in the parking lot when she was through shopping. True to her word, she dropped back by and took me to nirvana (at least my heavenly dream). When she started that little baby up...it purred like a mountain cat and that brushed aluminum in the interior and the roll bars (DANGER! you need roll bars in this beauty) and how that roof rolls right into itself. Yowser!!! At least I got close...

Okay, I admit it, I have a shoe fetish...besides loving bags (purses, etc.) and beads (any kind), I love shoes. I want to paint some of my shoes too! One of my regrets at this age (I will be 57...gulp and YEEHAW!) is that I can't wear my cowgirl boots anymore. I still have them (two pair, riding and dress) as I am reluctant to part with that part of my life but I have gotten rid of all the other shoes that were stylish but uncomfortable, especially those heels from my 'job' days. I have issues with my feet, they hurt most of the time and I wear berks (Berkenstocks) for that reason mostly. I have a pair of Clarks and just got a pair of Earthshoes (very cheap) at Walmart of all places but I miss my boots! I have a cool pair of mocs with a beaded Thunderbird on them and cool rubber soles that Mom bought me in South Carolina (at Walmart! heh.) that everyone comments on but I have almost worn them out. Most of my shows are in dried grass or dirt (muddy when wet) except for the indoor ones so shoes take a beating but I have a DREAM! And this one is a bit more realistic...Lucchese mules! Take a look: http://www.zappos.com/n/p/p/7154704.html Low heels, cowgirl stylin' and easy on and off. (for those that don't know computerese, go to 'edit' and copy and paste the addresses to see what I am raving about because I don't know enough to html this stuff.)

I may be able to afford that dream...and it means I can wear a cowgirl boot, without having to bend over and pull them on or off. My bad hip, leg and foot are arthritic (a horse fell on me when I was 18 so I call that side 'Chester' and if you didn't watch Gunsmoke...you have no clue what I am going on about) and would love these 'mules' besides I always wanted a mule and now I could have a nice pair, a team! Wish me luck on the shows so this gal can reach her dreams!

Enough about my fantasies...I love September, new truck or no new truck (I have a nice one anyway) or mules or no mules...at least I am not barefoot or pregnant.

Here is "Blanca" (I nickname all my cars), my chevy S10, resting at the Far-Out-House in Ruidoso...

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Wishing you Peace.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The City Different

I have returned from Santa Fe...and the trip was longer, more fruitful, a tad bit stressful and a whole lot of fun.

There is something about the atmosphere in Santa Fe, both literally and figuratively, that stuns your senses, hits you between the eyes and leaves you wide eyed, slack jawed, and immensely stimulated. I know, I have heard all the negatives about the city; the commercialism; the hoards of turistas; the expense; the traffic; how it is 'not' like the Santa Fe of old. Yes, all of this may be true but that is a half empty cup attitude and I am a half full cup kinda gal. Santa Fe will always remain in my mind and heart, a place of creativity, beauty, art and soul. Every visit inspires a welling of creativity, ideas spinning in my head - I get totally stimulated by the place and the art that comes from there and return to Phar Lepht with a whole new set of ideas waiting to be released.

Now that you know from whence I've come...here is the tale to be told:

Janice (if you don't know her by now...my beading pard and friend from childhood and a stanch member of our 'Posse') and I knew from the start of our trip that it was going to be an unusual foray. It may have been the trees in the median of the interstate, far from civilization, that were decorated with geegaws and such. Or maybe it was the boat abandoned in a ravine looking for a good flood or perhaps the clouds in that turquoise blue sky that resembled dragons blowing smoke. There were many signs along the road from Phar Lepht to Santa Fe that portended an adventure of sights to behold.

We arrived on Thursday evening and drove straight to friend Jodi's home, a little adobe not far from the Plaza of the city different. Jodi is a childhood friend of Karen (who was visiting too and another of the Posse that we hang with) and is a concierge at a hotel in town so she knows how to make you feel welcome and all the spots in town to hit. Besides, she is a Sagittarius sun with an Aquarius moon so fun loving is her modi operandi. (If I lost you here...don't give up, it is just my way of thinking about people.) We had the evening to play and play we did. It was good to see my friends, reconnect, rehash and replay where we had been since our last physical meeting. Karen and Jodi are older, wiser than most people I know and always there to help with tibits of this wisdom they share. Jan and I soak it up.

On Friday, set up day, Jan and I get into my little Chevy truck and head over to the Plaza to find our space and get unloaded. We were a tad bit early (also the way I operate...I am never late, never on time, always early) so we parked the truck at a meter and took a short walk to a bench to pass the time. When our time arrived, the truck wouldn't start...nothing....no dice, no electricity, the battery was dead as roadkill. Fortunately, Jan had roadside service on her cell phone and Cactus Mary the soapmaker, another friend from Phar Lepht, was doing the show. Mary helped unload the truck into her truck and drove us a couple of blocks to our booth space. Bless her!!! (I am making her a nice pair of cactus earrings as a surprise and a thank you for this.) A tow from there to Pep Boys ended up with an expensive new battery but praises be that it was no worse. Needless to say, I was a bit stressed by this turn of events but Karen and Jodi, who also arrived to help, kept me calm and directed. Bless them too! Stuff happens and my little truck at least got me to where I needed to go and all ends well in this little episode.

Saturday was beautiful, the cloud-laden sky, the breeze that cooled...a nice respite from the heat we had lepht in Phar town. (An aside...one of the lessons in life that I am still learning is to 'trust'. Trust that all will work out as it should, trust that the world is a perfect place and that all is connected. Trust how I approach life measures how life will treat me. This may be the story of this fable I am telling.) I was disappointed with the take of the day, a pleasant day but the turistas weren't buying, they looked, they raved and walked on...
Phooey! That is what I was thinking, phooey! All that money and preparation for this??? That evening I had to pick up my truck and we had reservations at my favorite restaurant for later. After finding that no more than the battery was wrong and a big-ass margarita at Gabriels and the laughter of friends...I was thinking, "what the heck, I am still having a great time! Tomorrow will be better...TRUST!"

Sunday I was much more relaxed, in myself, into the city different. It was a great day, exceeded my take of the year before by a bit and I gave into the ambience of this great city and the people from far parts who wandered into our space. My fears were needless and only caused unnecessary stress. I switched into positive mode and the rest of the trip was wonder full.

Janice and I were supposed to leave on Monday, back to Phar Lepht and another week of catching up for the next show but I was 'talked' into staying another day by the girls to play and relax. It didn't take much talkin'...I was red eye and willing.
Monday Jodi had to work so Karen, Jan and I headed out of town and up to Taos, another favorite place. The snakey road which follows the ribbon of the Rio Grande is a thrill and incredibly beautiful. The cliff above the river are built up by years of lava flow eons ago and the black basalt rocks glisten in the sun. Rafters and kayakers bob on the river like corks, just watching them from the road above is a thrill.

Taos is a city different too, a enclave of drop-ins, hipsters, artists and politicos, all mostly liberals and their place reflects this. Peace and love is the order of the day and we are drinking it in. Our first stop is an incredible gallery of fiber, furniture, glass, jewelry (wow stuff!) and arts of all kinds. Since I still am smoking, I take a break on the lawn under a nice tree and have a puff or two. When I finally wander into the place, Jan and Karen are all a'twitter over the contents. Slowly, I look at everything, the handcrafted cabinets, the baskets that look as if a village had a hand in the creation...the handblown glass, all the intricate and beautiful things that creativity can inspire and craftsmanship is worked hard at. (my participle is danglin')

We had a great, good time in Taos, hit all the favorite places, the fabric store where I stocked up on unusual buttons, the yarn shop, the kitchen store, and lunch at the Apple Cafe on the patio for green chile chicken sandwich and salad, the bead store (OF COURSE!). It was a lovely interlude and tired but happy, Jan and I were ready to head home the next day.

I packed up early as we wanted to hit Whole Foods in Santa Fe before we hit the road to carry home some good bread, wine and other essentials. I loaded my bags and left the keys on the seat (can you see where this is going?) Janice loaded her stuff next as the truck has to be packed just so or stuff won't fit. My bags first and then hers...then she dutifully locked the doors...remember where the keys were? The first think she said after walking in the door was, "I hope you didn't leave the keys in the truck, cuz I locked the door." Yep, how did she know? Hah!

We had to use her cell phone service again to have someone come and open the door. I wonder what they must think, twice in one week. The same tow truck company arrives an hour or so later and quickly unlocks the door and we are off. The City Different tried to hold on to us and a bit sadly, we escaped.

Home again, to Cecil, Nathan, (my men) Yogi and Annie (our dog friends)and my own bed. It is all good. I loved the trip but I always love coming home the best.

A very Happy Birthday to my lovely mother Alma and my dear son Noah. Both of those Leo's make me happy.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I can hardly believe we are into the month of August. Tempus Fugit or something akin to that.

Actually, I can hardly believe I have not posted anything for such a long time but am well aware of the reasons. Firstly (is that a word?), I am so dog gone busy with my shows and when I am not doing a show (which is every single weekend), I am in the studio during the week trying to keep up with my stock.

Secondly, my head is so screwed into the creative bead process that I haven't had the will or drive to write anything. It just didn't seem to fit into my schedule and hasn't seemed the necessity that it has been for me in the past.

Usually, I have found writing, whether here or elsewhere, a boon and therapy for what ails but I ain't ailing so no writing medicine. Of course, there is the fact that there is a certain joy in the writing process but my joys have been elsewhere. I guess what I am trying to write (heh) is that I haven't written a durn thing in a long while and haven't missed it or felt a durn bit guilty either.

The thing I do miss is contact with my friends and family that writing here and elsewhere affords. I do miss that for sure and yes, there is a certain amount of guilt attached as I feel 'responsible' for keeping in touch and I haven't. So forgive me and hopefully understand the reasons or my excuses. ;)

Besides, I know I will get back into the writing at some point (maybe this is the start) when the mood and schedule allows.

Cecil has taken up a good deal of the computer time also since his business is now selling all our accumulated 'stuff' on eBay.

Enough about why I don't write! I have come to the conclusion that I have a golden retriever mentality. You know, the type that gets a hold of a ball and won't let go and that is all she thinks about. I am obsessive, compulsive and a perfectionist which causes me no end of grief and stress but understanding this is a way of curing the obsessions, etc. You may wonder, if you are still reading this blather, what the point is. I have no clue, I just keep on keeping on, learning to trust in the universe and knowing that everything will turn out as it should.

Beads! That's my ball, my compulsion, my obsession. I talk beads, I dream beads, I think beads almost continuously. Whether that is bad or good does not matter for it is the fact, jack. Cecil calls me a beadhead and he is right. I see holes and want to fill them, string them. Life looks like connections to me...all is connected and the bead is an example, a facsimile of those connections. Bead history fascinates me for it is the oldest known artifact that we humans have. The word bead comes from the Anglo Saxon word for prayer but besides that, in a cave somewhere or on a trek down a river ancient humans found a rock, a bone, a seed with a hole in it and strung it with some reeds and hung it around their neck. Beads have been used for contemplation, for money, for simple and elaborate adornment, for counting, and for attraction. Beads are my life but for me they also represent life...I just string it together, making connections and manifesting a vision.

Here are a few of my new visions...some are still with me, some have attached themselves to whom they were made for and are gone but not forgotten.

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Beading round Beads, dichroic glass pendant, tube stitched beads, faceted carnelian

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Experiment, copper wirework, moss agate

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Images of an Mtmynd, milleflore beads, handmade lampwork beads by Richard Inman

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Carmen Miranda bracelet, juicy fruity beads ("who's Carmen Miranda?)